The field of speech-language pathology in South Carolina has witnessed significant expansion over the last ten years, flourishing even in the face of adversity. South Carolina, known for its unique charm and diverse landscapes, beckons those eager to explore the burgeoning realm of speech-language pathology. As an SLP in South Carolina, individuals possess the potential to enact profound transformations in the lives of their patients. The world of speech-language pathology unfolds myriad possibilities, allowing practitioners to tailor their expertise to diverse populations, age groups, and the spectrum of communication disorders.
Prior to obtaining licensure, aspiring SLPs are required to complete a Master’s program from an institution accredited by ASHA. These specialized Master’s degrees are hubs of focused education, infusing scholars with the wisdom and proficiency requisite for effective assessment, evaluation, and diagnosis of speech and communication disorders. For those drawn to the complexities of high-risk patient demographics, such as individuals grappling with speech disorders arising from brain injuries, affiliations with pertinent organizations can yield invaluable resources.
Following the completion of prerequisites, including the attainment of a degree and the fulfillment of designated clinical hours, aspirants can take the next stride toward licensure. This involves applying for licensure through the relevant governing authority, such as the South Carolina Speech-Language Pathology Board. This article serves as an illuminating guide to the spectrum of degree programs available in South Carolina, ranging from Associate to Master’s levels. It is intended for those who envision a rewarding journey in the field of speech-language pathology, inviting them to embark on an exploration of these distinctive educational avenues.
Continue reading to dive deeper into these captivating educational opportunities.
Speech-language Therapy Programs in South Carolina
South Carolina has meticulously designed a multi-tiered educational path to cultivate certified and proficient speech-language pathologists. The state offers a range of degree programs, spanning from Associate to Master’s levels, tailored to empower aspiring SLPs in their pursuit of excellence within the domains of speech-language pathology and communication sciences.
South Carolina Bachelors in SLP and Speech Therapy
South Carolina offers a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree program in Communication Sciences and Disorders through the University of South Carolina. This comprehensive program equips students with essential knowledge and hands-on clinical experience in speech-language pathology. Led by experienced faculty, it prepares students for leadership roles in communication sciences and disorders, while also providing a solid foundation for future graduate studies in the field.
South Carolina State University- Bachelor of Arts in Speech Pathology and Audiology

South Carolina State University offers an exceptional Bachelor of Speech Pathology and Audiology degree program that distinguishes itself for its affordability and stands out as one of the limited nine undergraduate speech pathologist degrees available within historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) throughout the nation. This program serves as a robust foundation for aspiring speech-language pathologists, equipping them with the essential expertise necessary to create a meaningful impact within their communities.
One of the program’s notable strengths is its emphasis on practical experience. Students benefit from hands-on training by working with actual patients at the on-campus speech-language hearing clinic. This valuable exposure spans a diverse client base, encompassing individuals of various ages, from children to adults. These real-world interactions include screenings, evaluations, and interventions, providing students with valuable insights and preparing them to address a wide array of communication challenges effectively.
In addition to the practical experience gained on-campus, students have the opportunity to expand their professional networks through affiliation agreements for off-site clinical experiences. These experiences encompass a range of settings, including hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, daycare facilities, and private practices. Building connections with professionals in diverse environments enhances students’ career prospects and provides a comprehensive view of the field.
Small class sizes are a hallmark of the program, maintaining a student-to-faculty ratio of 14:1 in speech pathologist degree courses. This program offers valuable support and advice from highly experienced faculty members, who are fully committed to helping you succeed.
Graduates of the program are well-prepared for various roles within the field. They can assist licensed speech-language pathologists with screenings and interventions, serve as interpreters for non-English-speaking patients or clients, and advocate for individuals and families through community awareness and education programs.
For those seeking advanced opportunities and career growth, South Carolina State University offers a Master of Arts in speech-language pathology. Pursuing graduate education in the field opens doors to a broader range of roles and settings.
Income potential is a crucial consideration for students, and the program provides valuable insights. Graduates with a bachelor’s degree in speech pathology can expect to earn approximately $35,000 per year, as announced by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, those who pursue a graduate degree in speech-language pathology can significantly increase their earning potential, with average annual salaries reaching approximately $80,000.
The program’s comprehensive curriculum spans 128 credit hours, with 37 credits dedicated to major coursework. Students delve into a wide range of subjects, including articulation, diagnostic procedures, language disorders in adults and children, neurological and organic pathologies, research, stuttering, swallowing disorders, and voice. Additionally, students have the opportunity to explore sign language through two hands-on courses offered at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
South Carolina Masters in Speech-language Pathology (MSLP) Programs
In South Carolina, pursuing a graduate program is a prerequisite for obtaining a license in speech-language pathology. Upon graduation from a master’s program in communication sciences and disorders, students become eligible to take state or national licensure exams. These programs, offered within the state, provide the essential professional education required for individuals to excel on their path toward becoming certified speech-language pathologists.
South Carolina State University- Master of Arts in Speech Pathology and Audiology

The Master of Arts (MA) program in speech-language pathology, offered in South Carolina State University, is meticulously structured to provide students with a comprehensive academic and practical foundation in the management of speech, hearing, and language disorders. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) has established certification standards that must be met and the licensure requirements established by the South Carolina Board of Examiners in Speech Pathology and Audiology.
There are two distinct pathways available within the program to cater to students with varying educational backgrounds. The first pathway, tailored for students holding a bachelor’s degree in speech pathology, encompasses a minimum of 36 semester hours of coursework. It offers a comprehensive curriculum that prepares students for their professional journey in speech-language pathology.
The second pathway is designed for individuals without a background in speech pathology. This option requires a more extensive commitment, starting with a minimum of 18 prerequisite semester credit hours, followed by 36 semester credit hours of program-specific coursework. This extended program duration spans three years or nine semesters, ensuring that students acquire the foundational knowledge required for success in the field.
Graduate courses are thoughtfully scheduled in the evening to accommodate students’ diverse schedules, while clinical practicums and seminars are typically held during the day. This structure enables students to effectively balance their academic and practical experiences. To maintain academic integrity, a time limit of six years is set for the completion of all required coursework, ensuring that students remain engaged and up-to-date in their studies. Additionally, successful program completion mandates the fulfillment of a comprehensive examination in speech-language pathology.
Throughout the program, students are required to accumulate minimal of 400 clock hours of supervised clinical practicum experience. These hours comprise 25 hours allocated to clinical observation and the remaining 375 hours dedicated to direct client/patient contact. It is essential to note that at least 325 of these 400 clock hours must be completed at the graduate level.
University of South Carolina- Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology

The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders (COMD) at the University of South Carolina provides graduate-level programs tailored to students aspiring to excel in the field. These programs include a master’s degree program and a Ph.D. degree program, each designed to cater to distinct educational and career goals. The master’s degree (M.S.) program, offered by COMD, is meticulously crafted to prepare students for clinical practice in speech-language pathology. This program has received continuous accreditation from The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s Council of Academic Accreditation (CAA) for over 30 years, underlining its commitment to academic excellence.
The M.S. program within COMD offers students two modalities: the Master of Science (residential/on-campus, full-time) and the Master of Science (distance education, part-time). Both options are structured to equip students with the essential skills and practical knowledge to excel in the clinical practice of speech-language pathology. Graduates of this program become qualified for national certification, state licensure, and teacher certification in South Carolina., positioning them for success in their careers.
The residential, full-time Master of Science program is delivered through traditional, on-campus instruction. Students admitted to this program follow a structured curriculum and are required to be continuously enrolled on a full-time basis for two calendar years. The program’s duration varies based on the entry point, with students starting in the summer semester completing it in 7 terms and those beginning in the fall semester completing it in 6 semesters. Admission to the program depends on factors such as previous coursework, clinical observation, and practice completed. The study of the structure and function of the speech and hearing system, the sounds of speech, and the development of language. Additionally, the Department offers a limited number of graduate assistantships and stipends on a competitive basis, potentially providing out-of-state students with reduced in-state tuition rates.
In addition to its comprehensive curriculum in communication sciences and disorders spanning from infants to adults, the Department offers specialized opportunities for students to pursue additional coursework and practicum experiences in specific areas. These include long-term rehabilitation of neurogenic speech-language disorders, with a particular focus on traumatic brain injury, and habilitation of individuals with cochlear implants. Applicants are encouraged to express their interests in these specialized areas in their applications, enabling them to tailor their educational journey to their specific career aspirations and interests.
Medical University of South Carolina- Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology

The Medical University of South Carolina stands as the state’s only inclusive academic health system in providing quality education along with patient care to people in South Carolina. The Master of Science degree in Speech-Language Pathology at MUSC is one of a kind. The program aims at delivering quality education rooted in clinical practice to students who want to pursue their careers as speech-language pathologists. Accreditation is granted by the American Speech Language Hearing Association(ASHA). As certified SLPs, individuals have multiple opportunities.
The Master’s program enables students to work with real-time patients to enhance their skills and expertise in practicums. The program primarily emphasizes medical speech-language pathology. The curriculum is based on advanced pedagogical techniques, primarily focused on the clinical training of the students. Apart from basic knowledge, students can polish their clinical skills through interactive classrooms and clinical rotations. SLPs gain broad exposure to diverse patient populations that include pre-term babies in the NICU, traumatic brain injury patients, stroke patients, and patients with head and neck cancer.
Students must complete a total of 82 credit hours in 2 years. The first 4 semesters are to be taken on campus while the last 2 can be taken outside the Charleston area according to feasibility. The principles incorporated in the program are humanism, leadership, innovation, and excellence in clinical practice. The program revolves around diagnosing, managing, and treating communication and swallowing disorders. The first semester introduces the students to hospitals and clinics enabling them to observe the patients before hands-on experience. Each student’s participation is well coordinated with the Program’s Director of Clinical Education. In addition, case studies are also incorporated into the coursework. The minimum number of hours in supervised clinical experiences is 475.
The University offers research-based education that fosters unwavering professionalism in the students. By the end of the degree, individuals can provide high-quality services in the field of communication disorders and adhere to the basic principles that are required in this field. The requirements to enroll in the Master’s program include a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited university, completion of 12 hours of general education prerequisite coursework, and 25 hours of observation in speech-language pathology by matriculation, three reference letters, and a personal statement.
Francis Marion University – Masters in Speech-Language Pathology

At FMU, the Master of Speech-Language Pathology (MSLP) program is designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide high-quality assessment and treatment for individuals with communication and swallowing disorders. But it doesn’t stop there. The program’s mission extends beyond the classroom, aiming to serve the Pee Dee region, the state of South Carolina, and beyond.
Francis Marion University’s Master of Speech-Language Pathology (MSLP) program, which is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). What does this accreditation mean? Simply put, it signifies that the program adheres to the highest standards in education and clinical training, ensuring that students are fully prepared to become competent and compassionate speech-language pathologists. At Francis Marion University, you’ll receive top-notch education and training in the field of speech-language pathology. You’ll learn from experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping you succeed, and you’ll gain hands-on experience through clinical training.
If you are transitioning into the field of Communication Sciences and Disorders, you might want to check out the pre-requisite course sequence offered by FMU. The pre-requisite course sequence covers essential topics such as anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanisms, speech and language development, and introduction to audiology. These courses are ideal for those who are transitioning into the field from other disciplines. To be eligible for the program, prospective students must hold a bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders or related disciplines, with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Additionally, applicants are required to submit three letters of recommendation and complete 25 observation hours before beginning practicum.
For prospective and current students alike, Ms. Whitney Moore is your go-to person. You can easily reach her at 843-661-1847 or shoot her an email at And if you’re seeking academic insights or have program-related queries, Dr. Rebekah E. Wada, an Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology, is your point person. Reach out to her at 843-661-1887 or via email at
Contact any of these individuals to gain a deeper understanding of the MSLP program and its offerings at Francis Marion University.
Online Masters in Speech-language Pathology in South Carolina
Those aiming to become certified speech-language pathologists can benefit from online master’s degree programs in communication sciences and disorders. These programs, available online, provide a convenient solution, eliminating concerns about geographical limitations. Graduates can confidently prepare for state or national licensure exams, as these flexible online options equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills for a successful career in speech-language pathology.
Clemson University- Online Masters of Education in Special Education

Clemson University’s Master of Education in Special Education is a highly regarded program that ranks #1 in the Best Online Graduate Education Program according to U.S. News and World Report. This 100% online graduate program is tailored for educators seeking to advance their expertise in the field of Special Education. Clemson University combines its renowned educational excellence with the flexibility that many teachers desire. The program is open to educators working in formal educational settings, with consistent access to students being crucial for successful completion, as numerous courses involve assignments working with children or adolescents. While some informal educational settings are considered, prospective applicants are advised to contact the program coordinator beforehand.
Earning an M.Ed. in Special Education from Clemson University comes with several significant benefits. Students can experience the academic prestige for which Clemson is known, all at competitive tuition rates. Graduates often see substantial pay raises in many states, enhancing their career options. Whether they choose to continue as classroom teachers or pursue roles like MTSS coordinators, behavior specialists, or special education coordinators, this program equips them with the necessary skills. Additionally, students become part of a global community of practitioners dedicated to enhancing Special Education.
The program’s courses are structured in eight-week terms, excluding five-week terms during the summer. Students typically complete two courses per semester while taking one course at a time. Clemson University leverages advanced online technology, facilitated by CU Online, to create a rich and supportive virtual learning environment. Courses are asynchronous, offering flexibility in when and where students access the materials. However, it’s important to note that there are specific deadlines within each course, requiring completion of learning modules. Instructors and technology support staff provide timely assistance to ensure students maximize their learning experience.
In South Carolina’s rich educational landscape, numerous opportunities await those pursuing speech-language pathology and communication sciences. Guided by the South Carolina Speech-Language-Hearing Association, a range of degree programs, from Associate to Master’s, equip students with essential skills to become certified speech-language pathologists. These programs prioritize critical thinking and ethics, and enrollment is made accessible through online forms, streamlining the path to becoming a skilled SLP in South Carolina.
South Carolina Speech-Language Pathology Programs
Program | University Name | City | State | Accreditation |
Master's in Speech-Language Pathology (MS) | Francis Marion University | Florence | SC | ASHA |
Master's in Audiology (MS) | University of South Carolina | Columbia | SC | |
Master's in Speech-Language Pathology (MS) | University of South Carolina | Columbia | SC | ASHA |
Master's in Speech-Language Pathology (MS) | Medical University of South Carolina | Charleston | SC | |
Master's in Speech-Language Pathology (MS) | South Carolina State University | Orangeburg | SC | ASHA |