How Many Words Should My Child Say by Age 2?

Many parents marvel at how many words should be spoken to their 2-year-old child. Children use a broad range of words and when they gain them,. It is consistently regarded as accurate that children should be using approximately 50 words by age 2. But that does not mean kids have become experts in all those words. Many children are engaged in conversation up a storm from the moment they awaken until bedtime by age 2. High-pitched crying, singing, questioning, chatting, trying out new words, and even screaming are all usual 2-year-old behaviors. So, every child understands how to talk at a different pace. Some toddlers simply talk more than others; it’s completely normal.

  • Ask questions that start with who, what, where, or why, such as “Where is mommy?”
  • Say their first name when asked.
  • Refer to themselves with pronouns, such as I, me, my, or mine.
  • Familiar listeners, such as family members, can often understand it.
  • If your child might have a condition that causes a speech delay, your child’s healthcare provider may suggest that you see a hearing or speech professional.

For Example:

An audiologist checks for perceived problems. A speech-language pathologist fissures for communication problems. If your child hears or speaks two languages, see a speech-language pathologist, so your child can get tested in both languages. You can get your child tested through a government-funded early stepping program in the United States. This offers services and support to children with delays in development or disabilities. Each state has an early intervention program; some programs consist of talking therapy. The way speech delay is treated in children is the cause of the condition. These delays and the problems that can cause them often improve when treated early.

The 25 Most Common Words 2-Year-Olds Know

Your child’s language development can be improved by listening to these 25 words a 2-year-old should know:

  • Mommy                                  Dog                                       More
  • Daddy                                    Cat                                         Bath
  • Baby                                       Ball                                        Shoe
  • Milk                                         Nose                                      Hat
  • Juice                                       Eye                                        Book
  • Hello                                       Banana, All gone
  • Bye-bye                                  Cookies                               Thank You
  • Yes                                         Car
  • No                                          Hot

These are the essential words that the children use during the conversation when they interact with different people. Simply speaking to your child (or having them listen to you talk) can help build and increase their vocabulary. These words are among the most common for children. Some parents will find that their child does not use all the words on this list, which is normal. If your child is not using a word that is on this list, then the reason is simply a lack of awareness. Consulting a doctor or healthcare provider is a good idea if your 2-year-old is not regularly using most or all of these 25 words.

Things to Retain in Mind About Your 2-Year-Old’s Taking  Development

They may start using them soon. It is practical to notice if your 2-year-old needs to start using all these words. Speaking early or late does not necessarily mean your child has a developmental delay. Research shows that children who pick up new words ahead of or within the classic time limit are more likely to have improved literacy and vocabulary later at age 3. It speaks favorably of seeking an appraisal from a healthcare provider or doctor if you notice any delays. Most of the time, your child might still be on trial. On average, they may be coming to talk later. The earlier it is diagnosed and treated, the more your child has language delay—and the less significant the impact will likely be.

What to Do If Your 2-Year-Old Is Not Speaking?

There could be a lot of reasons why your 2-year-old’s speech language isn’t developing at the typical rate. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 1 in 5 children have language skills on all sides. Early interposition is very helpful for children with developmental delays. Some reasons for a language delay include a hearing problem, an issue with the mechanics of speaking, or the first signs of an underlying learning mess or autism spectrum mess. 

Or it may turn out that those words will come naturally with time. However, this is the correct age to start screening and evaluating so that, if there is a detectable problem, an appropriate intervention can be discussed and applied. And the sooner an intervention begins, the more successful it will be. Be sure to explain any concerns to a pediatrician or health care provider.

Should I Be Concerned My 2-year-old Doesn’t Say Many Words and is Hard to Understand?

You should consult your child’s physician or healthcare provider if you know only a few or none of your 2-year-old’s words. A delay in using words or speaking can be an early sign of other issues. Your children’s provider can refer you to health professionals who test children for these issues. Every child grows and develops at their troop. However, child-taking development will likely follow a fairly set path at 2.

Signs of A Speech Delay

Determining whether a child is a late talker or is dealing with talking delays is significant. It is doubtful and tricky without seasoned professional assistance, so consult their doctor. There are a few signs of a talking delay to look out for in a 15-month-old’s speech.

1- Sounds and Minimal Babbling

If you have caught your attention, your child has yet to make significant strides in vocal abilities, which could be a talking delay. This issue often presents itself in the absence of very minimal babbling and the inability to connect verbally. Children are likelier to be just as quiet as they were when they were children.

2- Inability to Mimic Speech

As you grow your child, you must use adult language rather than baby talk. This is because your child will learn how to act like certain words and sounds that you say. Children who cannot mimic or imitate talking at 15 months could have a talking delay.

3- Limited Consonant Sounds

In the previous point, 15-month-olds with talking delays will have a limited number of consonant sounds they used to speak. They could not use letters such as m, b, p, d, y, n, k, and several other types of words. Limited consonant sound use results in awkward talking and often manifests as a motor speech or phonological disorder.

4- Shortage of Social Skills

The average child loves to play and interact with their peers. A shortage of social skills is a significant sign of an outside issue, primarily if your child cannot communicate with others. They might not associate with children their age and show a considerable disinterest in playing.

5- Fewer Nouns and Verbs

If your child has a speech delay, focusing on the nouns and verbs they use is another easy way to determine. As noticed, children should have at least three nouns at their incline by 15 months. If not, it could be a sign that you need to seek professional assistance, such as from a speech-language physician.

6- Family Records

As with any other medical disorder, family history is a supreme thing to consider. Your children’s risk is high If you have family members who have had a talking delay or academic troubles,. Your family doctor will often ask about your communication delay history to help commit you to a specialist.

How to Talk to Children Who Are Learning to Talk?

You should use short or distinct grammatical sentences, which is the ideal way to talk to a kid learning to talk. A good rule of thumb when trying to determine if something you are saying is grammatically correct is to think about it.

  • Whether it’s something you would say to an adult.

For Example 

If a mature person asked where to put the clothes to be given away, you might respond with “in the box” even though it’s not a complete sentence, but you would not say “in a box.” You also wouldn’t know these kind  of things to an adult: “Want open?”, “put in,” or “Michael, go school.” An excellent way to simplify your language and make new words stand out is to use the 4 S’s:

  • Say less:  You should  Keep your sentences short but grammatical. 

For Example

In place of the proverb, “You have to put your shoes on because it is time to go gather up Adair from school,” you could say, “Let’s put your shoes on” or “Put your shoes on.”

  • Stress: You can make your voice animated or say keywords slightly louder than the other words in the sentence. You can make keywords stand out by stressing them with your voice.

For Example

As you head out the door on a cold, snowy day, you might say, “Ooh, it’s cold outside,” saying “cold” slightly louder than the other words.

  • Go Slow: You can talk slightly slower than you would when speaking to an adult, allowing your child to hear your words and process what you are saying. Stay calm, though, and maintain the natural rhythm of your speech. It’s just slightly slower than your regular step.
  • Show: You should Show your child what keywords mean, an extra way to simplify your language. You can affirm what you’re talking about, use a gesture or action, or hold up an object or picture. 

For Example

If you ask your child if he wishes for a cracker, you could hold up a cracker while you say the word “cracker.” Or, if you are letting your child know it’s time to put her shoes on, you could point to her shoes. Remember to repeat the new language when talking with your kid. Your child can make a big difference in their language learning. When you make your talking simple by using short, grammatical sentences and the 4 S’s, you provide as many lucky chances as possible for your child to hear and learn new words and how they are used within short sentences.

Final Thoughts 

Parents are often anxious about their child hitting the highlights, mainly regarding language development. Children need to hear new words and sentences repeatedly and in several different situations before they understand and remember them and, after a long time, try to use them themselves. The speech and language understanding milestones expected at different ages are foremost. It is necessary to remember that each child is distinctive, and developmental highlights can differ from child to child. Paying attention to your child’s progress and finding professional guidance can improve their well-being and communication abilities.